Temperature Measurement: EUT IM911
One second Temperature Measurement, one key, easy to operate, non contact, with big screen light, high precision and unit convention.
NEW PRODUCT: All in one Station
Facial Recognition, temperature control, access control – all in one!
Watch the video and visit our YouTube Channel for more.
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NEW PRODUCT: Thermal Cameras
You can connect the camera with a PC or keep it stand alone. It can keep records of all the people that are passing by.
Read the leaflet, watch the video and visit our YouTube Channel for more.
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Thermal Cameras and Infrared Thermometers
Due to the COVID-19, ACF decided to import temperature measurement tools to help businesses operate smoothly after re-opening. We have in stock Thermal Cameras and Infrared Thermometers.
Read the leaflet, watch the video and visit our YouTube Channel for more.
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